5). New Trends in E-Recruitment

Recruiters today, are more dependent on technology than ever before. E-recruitment is the new way for recruiters to attract new talent and keep them engaged in their organizations. Following are the few key trends of online recruitment.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Recruitment 

The use of AI in recruitment and selection is still in its infancy. The emerge of AI in the recruitment process has made storing and retrieving of resumes easier. With the advent of AI, successful innovations are combined with existing methods to form a technique that can deliver a user-friendly experience for organization and candidate (Mathis, 2018).

The recruitment landscape has seen extensive changes over the years and has evolved with the creation of new recruitment tools and processes (Bersin, McDowell, Rahnema, van Durme, 2017).

According to Schweyer (2017), AI and machine learning can be used in the different stages of the recruitment and selection process. More specifically, these stages are sourcing, screening and selecting.

Using AI algorithms, recruiters can filter out the relevant candidates based on the data feed to the HR tool. AI recruitment allows recruiters to better analyse candidates with high-tech Application Tracking Systems (ATS).

An ATS can be implemented or accessed online on an enterprises or small business level, depending on the needs of the company and there is also free and open source ATS software available (Hu, James, 2018). An ATS can be implemented or accessed online on an enterprises or small business level, depending on the needs of the company and there is also free and open source ATS software available.

2. Social Media Recruitment 

Social media is an integral part of today’s lifestyle. Be it shopping online or hiring competent employees; social media will completely revamp recruitment.

Making the decision to incorporate social media into a recruitment plan needs to be done very early in the process. The research team or sponsor needs to identify the recruitment procedures and approach, and then incorporate them in the writing of the protocol (E. G. DeRenzo and J. Moss, 2006).

Recruiters will use social media more to build a strong employer brand in the coming days. They will constantly share photos and videos of happy employees on social media to attract new talent. Specially to target campus recruitment, social media can help a lot to impress the new generation.

In accordance with figure 1: the simple fact that LinkedIn, and increasingly Facebook, are some of the most widely used and known destinations for sourcing does not mean that you can or should ignore them. They form a baseline of many successful recruiting and sourcing processes, and that’s precisely because they offer both massive reach and increasingly powerful targeting and communication tools for recruiters.

Figure 1: The rise of social media recruiting 2018

Source: LinkedIn / Pew Research Center

3. Global Talent Pool 

Remote work has allowed recruiters to hire employees purely based on their skills, not location. This, in return, has made workplaces more culturally diverse than ever before. 

Local employees can bring forward certain skills and knowledge to the team. On the contrary, remote recruitment facilitates recruiters to build an international level team by selecting talented professionals across the globe. 

Companies were already shifting toward global recruitment in 2019,” stated Shayne Sherman, CEO "TechLoris", “but 2020 shook up everyone's recruitment plans.” He believes the overall trend towards more distributed teams will only continue to grow, but how quickly companies get on board will be different for each industry.

“The benefits of tapping into a global remote talent pool outweigh hiring locally,” because “more candidates inevitably also means more high quality candidates.”Alari Aho, CEO & co-founder of "Toggl Hire".

4. Automation in Recruitment 

Numerous recruitment operations are automated today, but in coming days, a major part of recruitment will be automated, such as:

  •            Automated resume screening will save recruiter’s time
  •       Automated pre-qualification through chatbots to enhance employee’s experience 
  •       Pre-screening questions with an automated score system 
  •       Automated translation for international candidates during the video interview 
  •       Psychometric testing to better analyse candidates, etc.


  • Bersin, J., McDowell, T., Rahnema, A., & Van Durme, Y. (2017). The organization of the future: Arriving now. Global human capital trends 2017: Rewriting the rules for the digital age, 19-28.
  • E. G. DeRenzo and J. Moss, Writing Clinical Research Protocols: Ethical Considerations, (Elsevier Academic Press Burlington, MA, 2006).
  • Zainab Kapasi (December 20,2021), E-Recruitment Trends to watch out for in 2022 <https://www.hubengage.com/blog/e-recruitment-trends-to-watch-out-for-in-2022>
  • Social Media Recruiting Strategies (2021), <https://www.crelate.com/blog/social-media-recruiting>
  • Kaya Ismail (2020), Is the Talent Pool Now Globally By Defalt, <https://www.reworked.co/digital-workplace/is-the-talent-pool-now-global-by-default/>
  • Hu, James. “8 Things You Need To Know About Applicant Tracking Systems.” Jobscan Blog, 29 Mar. 2018,
  • J. Dijkkamp The recruiter of the future, a qualitative study in AI supported recruitment process, 2019 Master Thesis, Business and administration, University of Twente.
  • Mathis, J. (2018). Innovations are Coming to the Human Resource. The Journal of Private Equity, 21(4), 14-17.
  • Schweyer, A. (2017). Robots in Recruiting - The Implications of AI on Talent Acquisition. Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/appcast_io/whitepaper-robots-in-recruiting-the-implications-of-ai-ontalent-acquisition
  • James Hu (2021), 8 Things You Need to Know About Application Tracking system, <www.jobscan.co/blog/8-things-you-need-to-know-about-applicant-tracking-systems/>


  1. Road to digitalization E- recruiting have main role so your post is very interesting samantha, According to (T S Kumar, 2019) there are many trends in e- recruitment like Speedy communication, Search engine advertisement and RSS feed.

  2. Another particular aspect to consider is the knowledge about potential data bias that has been shown to be quite relevant in a number of important Al applications and discussed several times in the press. For example, in a hiring project at Amazon cited by (Hill 2019) which tried to predict candidates' quality by analyzing past candidates' performance, data is never neutral and can be biased. In Amazon's case, the current dominance of male employees leads the algorithm to downgrade potential applications from female candidates, perpetuating an unwanted lack of diversity and potentially lacking great female talent. The tool has never been put to work (Canals and Heukamp, 2019).Another particular aspect to consider is the knowledge about potential data bias that has been shown to be quite relevant in a number of important Al applications and discussed several times in the press. For example, in a hiring project at Amazon cited by (Hill 2019) which tried to predict candidates' quality by analyzing past candidates' performance, data is never neutral and can be biased. In Amazon's case, the current dominance of male employees leads the algorithm to downgrade potential applications from female candidates, perpetuating an unwanted lack of diversity and potentially lacking great female talent. The tool has never been put to work (Canals and Heukamp, 2019).


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