3). E-Recruitment


          “The Internet Will Help Achieve ‘friction free capitalism’ by putting Buyers & Sellers in Direct Contact and Providing more Information to Both Each Other”- Bill Gates.

Today’s world is technology-based, and it can be felt its presence in each sphere of our lives. Conception of internet has changed our lives tremendously and it has also changed the perception of people towards their work (Bhupendra & Swati, 2015).

Whole world is just a click away from us and we can connect with individuals from all over the world. In accordance with Internet world stat on 30 June 2022, 4.99 billion of people adopted to internet around 8 billion of world population. And following figure 1 will be described how does it vary with the geographical view.

                                             Figure 1 Internet users in world by geographical regions -2022

This internet propagation is forced a huge impact on the employee recruitment and selection sector process under human resource management in job industry. Today acquiring and retaining the employees is the biggest challenge and internet has proved to be a boon to recruitment process.  According to Heery and Noon’s (2008) definition, recruitment is the process by which companies gather a pool of talent and select the best fit for a specific job. Among the pool of recruitment methods, E-recruitment is a technologic method for selecting one of the companies most crucial resources, i.e human resource. This technological innovation improves the process of recruiting knowledge sources by using the internet (Anand & Chitra, 2016).

Armstrong (2014) refers to the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) survey to rank the most effective sources of recruitment in 2013. Below can be seen a table showing the most effective methods for attracting applicants and its evolution, based on the CIPD analysis and reports, comparing results from 2013 and 2017.

Table 1 Most effective methods of attracting applicants -2013 and 2017

Source: Adapted from Armstrong,2014; CIPD 2013 and 2017 CIPD 2017

The most significant change has happened in the use of Networking Sites (LinkedIn and Facebook) with an increase of 30 percentage points each. Corporate websites, recruitment agencies, and commercial job boards are likewise among the most efficient methods for attracting applicants.

The emergence of the internet and the social network site development mainly impact to the E-recruitment techniques, and it has brought several significant improvements and benefits to organizations that can also impact other HR practices and functions. In the organizational context, the use of the web allowed for several improvements including costs and time savings, mass reaching communication, and increasing the company’s competitive advantage. The same can be said for HR departments. The adoption of technology in HR functions has leveraged a faster, more strategic, and time and cost-efficient environment (Mishra and Akman, 2010; Parry and Tyson, 2011).

Armstrong (2009) defines e- Recruitment as a process that uses the internet to advertise or post vacancies, provide information about the jobs and the organization and enable e-mail communication to take place between employers and candidates. The function of e- Recruitment is to make the processes more productive as well as less expensive.

According to the Okolie and Irabor (2017), fundamental of e-recruitment can be described as follows,

  • Tracking: Helpful in tracking the status of candidate with respect to the jobs applied by him/her.
  • Employer’s Website: Provides details of job opportunities and data collection for same.
  • Job Portals: Like career Age, Indeed, Monster, times job, etc these carry job advertisements from employers and agencies.
  • Online Testing: Evaluation of candidates over internet based on various job profiles to judge them on various factors.
  • Social Networking: Sites like google+, twitter, facebook, linked in, etc helps in building networking and finding career opportunities. 


  • Anad, J. & Chitra, D.S.(2016). The impact of e- recruitment and challenges faced by HR Professionals. International Journal of Applied Research, 2(3), 410-413.
  • Armstrong, M. (2009) Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 11th Edition, Kogan Page Limited, London
  • Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Bhupendra, S.H. & Swati, G.(2015). Opportunities and challenges of e- recruitment. Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology, 2(2), 1-4.
  • Heery, E., & Noon, M. 2008. A dictionary of human resource management. OUP Oxford.
  • Mishra, A. & Akman, I. 2010. Information Technology in Human Resource Management: An Empirical Assessment. Public Personnel Management, 39(3): 271-290.
  • Parry, E. & Tyson, S. 2008. An analysis of the use and success of online recruitment methods in the UK. Human Resource Management Journal, 18(3): 257-274.
  • Ugo Chuks Okolie, Ikechukwu Emmanuel Irabor E-Recruitment: Practices, Opportunities and Challenges, European Journal of Business and Management, 9(11), 116-121


  1. Research by Williams (2009) on e-recruitment showed that declining recruitment spending is concentrated in web-based recruitment over traditional methods. The author also reported that online methods proved to be much more popular, as two-thirds (66%) of the HR professionals surveyed said that the jobs section of their company's own website was used as a recruitment tool for most jobs.

    1. Agreed Reshan, There is a significant workload reduction can be seen in HRM department when traditional recruitment moving towards to e-recruitment. E-recruitment if more easily engage with both of job seekers and emplyers. Recruitment process can vary in complexity and degree of difficulty depending on the recruitment objectives and the recruitment sources chosen (Breaugh& Starke, 2000).

  2. E-Recruitment has created a great leap in the history of recruitment since its existence in 1995 .E-recruitment has been a excellent mode of finding suitable applicants for the companies desirous of filling the empty vacancies in their organizations A very renowned personality Prof M.S.Rao who is the managing director at a renowned company has expressed his precious views about E-Recruitment as follows-“ the e-recruitment saves lot of time for both employers and jobseekers. E- recruitment bridges the gap between the employers and job seekers. It provides wider scope, choice and opportunities for both company and applicants” ( Bhupendra, S., Hada, S. and Gairola 2015).

    1. Agreed Danushi, According to Mathis and Jackson (2006), major benefits of the use of the internet recruitment include cost saving, time saving, generation of expanded pool of applicants, and global catchment opportunity as well.

  3. Hi, The term, online recruitment, e-recruitment, cyber recruiting, or internet recruiting imply the
    formal sourcing of job information online (Vistal, Patil & Patil, 2012) . E-recruitment is a hiring
    process that utilizes a variety of electronic means and technologies with the primary purpose of
    identifying, attracting, and selecting potential employees (Lee, 2011). E-recruiting technologies
    are web-based technologies that help recruiters and job applicants to complete their tasks more
    efficiently and effectively by automating recruiting processes and providing the information
    necessary for making appropriate decisions. These technologies include, career web sites,
    applicant tracking system, job search agent, prescreening/self-assessment tools, talent
    management systems, streaming videos. Candidate relationship management system, and social
    media (Lee, 2011). T

    1. Further more Rinosha glad to amend that Social Networking: networks such as google+, twitter, facebook, linked in, etc helps in building networking and finding career opportunities. These networks provide much more than simple job boards in that
      they are used as communication tools to interact with the audience, with candidates and with people who are not necessarily candidates but may know people who may want to apply (Armstrong, 2014).

  4. E-recruiting technologies are web-based technologies that assist recruiters and job applicants in completing their tasks more efficiently and effectively by automating recruiting processes and providing the information required to make sound decisions. Career websites, applicant tracking systems, job search agents, prescreening/self-assessment tools, talent management systems, and streaming videos are examples of these technologies. To fill vacancies, an organization may use its own website, a third-party job site or job board, a curriculum vitae (CV) database, search engine marketing, or social media platforms. Organizations advertise job openings on the internet, and job seekers send their applications and curriculum vitae (CV) via e-mail (Mohammed, 2019).

    1. Yeah Virosha, which means e-recruitment plays a big role compared to the other recruitment methods in this current tecnological era. With respect to employer point of view, it allows businesses to make cost savings, update job offers and status at any time, to shorten the recruitment cycle time, to identify and select the best knowledge potential out of a wider range of candidates and gives the company an opportunity to improve its image and profile. (Anand J, 2016)

  5. Agreed with you Samantha. With the increase in competition among organizations, recruiting talented staff is vital for the company’s success and maintenance (Anand, 2016). Barriers in the traditional recruitment process can be overcome through the e-recruitment process where candidates have easy access to the published vacancy.

    1. agreed, and also ,There is low internet penetration and no access and lack of awareness of internet in many locations across the world (McCurry, 2005). So e-recruitment is not fairly establish in all over the world.

  6. One major problem in e-recruitment is receiving applications forwarded by candidates without serious thought. They do not check the Job description or specification before applying for the vacancy. Most of the time, the employer will know about this at the interview or a no-show. This will decrease the recruitment and selection process speed (TYAGI, 2012).

  7. Hi Udaya,
    Online recruitment has become popular, and it has lot of benefits. But the process has drawbacks also. One of them is the volume of the applications. One third of relevant surveys have identified significant drawbacks in online recruitments. One is the large number of irrelevant applications. Another issue is reconciliation difficulties in online and offline processes. Further there are IT-related problems (Barber, 2006)

    1. Agreed with you Dulshan, By the way now a days irrelevant applications and processing time can be reduced by using ATS. Alexander.F (2017), concluded that Applicant tracking system is the best module of Human resource information system. ATS helps the recruiter to reduce time of recruitment process. ATS useful in screening the applicants, schedule interviews, check the references and complete the whole recruitment process.

      And also,In accordance with Internet world stat on 30 June 2022, 4.99 billion of people adopted to internet around 8 billion of world population. So most of the above 18 age pool familirized with interne and knowing about IT related things.


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