1). Recruitment and Selection - Overview


    In this globalization era, the role of human resources is very prominent as its influence is growing along with the developing world (Enis, 2018). The employees considered as human capital are the most valuable asset for any organisation as they play direct role in the performance of the organisation. Selection and recruitment are among fundamental components of Human resource management practices taken by organisations to develop and enhance employee capability to enable them to obtain both individual and organisational objectives (Ogedegbe 2014; Selase 2018).

    Armstrong (2009) posits that human resource management practices support organisational goals and objectives and should be responsive to changes in the organisational environment. Furthermore, the role of human resource department in an organisation works like a powerhouse as they have to hire the most suitable persons according to the need of the organisation (Ogedegbe, 2014).


        Recruitment is a n of human resource management planning regarding the number of employees needed, when needed, as well as the criteria for what is needed in an organisation. It is the first step in acquiring staff andecisiod is considered a positive function that aims to attract a large pool of qualified candidates to apply for available job vacancies (Armstrong, 2009). According to the view of Henry and Temtime (2009) it can be said that they considered the fact that recruitment is a process by which talented individuals can be allowed to get entry into an organisation and with the time tenured training, the rationality of such type of recruitments can be testified and verified.

Recruitment types and methods

1.      Advertisement

Armstrong (2014) posits that Advertising has traditionally been the most obvious method of attracting candidates and it is still important, especially at local level and in specialized journals. An advertisement is generally developed in such a manner that it could trigger the responsiveness of different types of individuals in the concerned process.

2.      Contracting agencies 

A recruitment agency, also known as a labour broker, is an organisation that takes contract responsibilities of recruiting employees for an organisation for an agreed consideration. This arrangement seems to be very efficient in recruiting the most able type of people in the different types of employability (Florea, 2014).

According to the review of Abbas, Shah and Othman (2021) the role of activities of the different types of private employment agencies may differ in their policy of execution and work methods in this said domain. It has also been observed that these types of employment agencies are highly beneficial to the employers in the selection of a proper type of candidate if a proper type of briefing of the required profile of candidates in given to them.

3.      Employee Referrals

Employee referral is typically denoted as a recruitment technique where employees are asked to recommend potential individuals outside of the organisation for vacant positions. In this method, it is generally observed that the employees are selected based on the referrals of the present employees in an organisation.

4.      E-recruitment

In the wake of COVID-19 Pandemic, e-recruitment has become a widespread workforce sourcing technique. As nations across the globe are experiencing social distancing measures, majority of companies are using technology for all the possible business activities, including recruitment (Ptel, 2020).

5.      Electronic Application system 

These systems let candidates to fill the application form and submit all necessary documents. Small and medium enterprises are also pushing themselves into this practice which is interesting to learn (Nguti & Mose, 2021). Also, government units in developing nations have also been attracted to using electronic recruitment systems since the Pandemic has started (Schislyaeva & Plis, 2021), showing substantial improvement, much needed across the public sector institutions in the world.

6.      E-advertisement

According to D`Silva (2020), the use of e-recruitment has made the staff procedures more effective and timelier, leading to improving business and organisational effectiveness. Generally, this was a common practice for international and multi-national organisations and has become a widely accepted practice for local small and medium enterprises over the recent years.

Employee Selection

The selection process aims at conducting interviews and evaluating candidates for a specific job, defined at recruitment, selecting. In the views of Maloney (2001), the selection can be considered a process where the best candidate is considered from a pool of available candidature. It is generally a type of procedure-oriented activity in which the different types of techniques and methodologies are used to select the most deserving candidate from the list of the available candidates (Ofori & Aryeetey, 2011).

Selection techniques

1.      Interviews

The process of interviews is probably one of the most common methods that are generally used in the process of selection of candidates. It generally reveals much subjective analysis if the applicant and the person's compatibility with the said type of job in the concerned organisation.

2.      E-Interviews

The COVID-19 Pandemic has also made the electronic interviews a common practice, and companies actively use it to select individuals. With social distancing measures in place, businesses could not invite candidates for face-to-face interviews. The survey report on the remote interviews conducted during the COVID-19 Pandemic crisis highlighted the important use of the process (Temsah et al., 2021).

3.      Line manager approval 

Generally, after the carrying out of the different types of interview steps, the candidate should have been selected for the said process, but in some organisations, it has been observed that the last and the final round of interview is conducted by the supervisor of the different types of organisations.

4.      Reference check 

The purpose of the reference check in any organisation is to cross verify the different types of information that a candidate has provided in the information sheet and also to have knowledge about his past behaviour in the different types of organisations that the said person has been working for (Hedricks et al, 2019).



  • Abbas S. I, Shah M. H & Othman Y. H (2021) Critical Review of Recruitment and Selection Methods: Understanding the Current Practices Annals of Contemporary Developments in Management & HR (ACDMHR), Vol. 3 No 3 2021.
  • Armstrong, M. (2009) Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 11th Edition, Kogan Page Limited, London
  • Armstrong, M. (2014) Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 13th Edition, Kogan Page Limited, London
  • D'Silva, C.  (2020).  A Study on Increase in E-Recruitment and Selection Process. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, 3(8), 205-213.
  • Enis, F. (2018).  Human resource management and its importance in everyday business administration.  In 4th International Conference Economic Sciences" Functioning of economic systems in the global world" (pp. 20-25).
  • Florea, N. V. (2014) Using recruitment agencies to obtain the best candidates. Land Forces Academy Review, 19(1), 80-89.
  • Hedricks, C. A., Rupayana, D. D., Fisher, P. A., & Robie, C. (2019). Factors affecting compliance with reference check requests. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 27(2), 139-151.
  • Maloney, T. R. (2001). Employee recruitment and selection: how to hire the right people. USA: Cornell University.
  • Nguti, V. N., & Mose, T. (2021). The role of E-recruitment and selection functions on the organizational outcomes in HELB, Kenya. International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration, 3(9), 554-565.
  • Ogedegbe, R. J. (2014). Achieving organisational objectives through human resource management practices. European Journal of Business and Management, 6(16), 18-22.
  • Ptel, M. (2020). Social Posting in Covid-19 Recruiting Era-Milestone HR Strategy Augmenting Social Media Recruitment. Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, 10(6), 82-89.
  • Schislyaeva, E. R., & Plis, K. S. (2021). Personnel management innovations in the digital era: Case of Russia in covid-19 pandemic. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 20, 1-16.
  • Selase, A. E. (2018). The impact of recruitment and selection criteria on organizational performance. GN Bank, Greater Accra Region of Ghana as the Mirror. Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 8(3), 283-295.
  • Temsah, M. H., Alkhattabi, F., Alhasan, K., Alherbish, A., Philby, M., Alsohime, F., &  Bashiri,  F. A. (2021). Remote Interviews for Medical Residency Selection During the Initial COVID-19 Crisis: a National Survey.


  1. Hi samantha. The selection process can be done in several ways, starting from initial receipt of application, interview, medical test, references and final decision. Also, the performance of an organization can be measured based on financial viability, efficiency and relevance to stakeholders. (Gardi, 2021).

    1. Agreed Nonali, This selection process can be varied from association to association or from department to department even within a same organisation. According to
      Anwar, (2016), some organizations may give importance to various tests, while others may emphasize interviews and reference checks.

  2. The goal of the employer is to select a candidate who is suitable for that specific position. In many firms, HR is responsible for recruitment. Traditional hiring methods include walk-ins, ads, transfers, promotions, and employee referrals. With the advent of social media, the hiring process underwent a significant transformation in the modern economy. Many businesses use internet recruiting strategies to draw in potential employees. The recruitment process is influenced by a variety of variables, including the company culture, working conditions, amenities, pay, benefits, reputation for reliability, and location (Bhoganadam and Rao, 2014).

    1. Appriciate ur valuble thoughts, Actually HR are responsible for not only recruitment but selection. (Anwar & Shukur, 2015). Furthet more recruiters will use social media more to build a strong employer brand in the coming days. In a study of graduate recruitment, Internet-based social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn were used by recruiters to attract talents by sharing the company culture and career opportunities–related information (Alf, 2013)

  3. The elements in the recruitment and selection processes have imperative contributions to make in helping find the most suitable candidates for the given posts. The elements have been stated as follows: (Recruitment and Selection, 2013).

    1. Yes Isuri, Just considering only selection, according to the Anwar & Abd Zebari (2015) Selecting process includes a progression of steps to be taken after for picking the suitable employee for the empty position. There are many stages in recruitment and selection process from defining job position to offering the job for employee.

  4. Organization which put solid plan in development is likely not to attract but also to retain competent candidates.
    When successful candidate join the organization, each and every aspect will be monitoring to ensure that it will
    fulfill their promises. Candidates feel comfortable and safe where organization supports them(Holbeche,2004).

    1. Agreed Kalana, Once after newly employee joined to a company it is essential to follow up and ensure that they have settled in and to check on how well they are doing. If there are any problems it is much better to identify them at an early stage rather than allowing them to fester(Armstrong 2014).

  5. well explained Samantha, Armstrong (2009), who explains that understanding the requirement of the organization (what specific aspects organization is trying to measure by having the candidate take the psychometric test) and selecting the most appropriate type of test is critical. Also, Armstrong (2009) states that the tests used by organizations should be reliable and only those developed by well known psychologists or institutions are recommended to be used.

    1. Agreed Neel, Extend of Amstrong's states, Psychological tests are measuring instruments, which is why they are often referred to as psychometric tests: ‘psychometric’ means mental measurement. And Psychometric tests assess intelligence or personality. These 2 type of test will to understanding of candidates help in predicting the extent to which they will be successful in a job.

  6. Very well detailed. Also, some larger companies develop a new trend that shows that they foster equal employment opportunities by recognizing the importance of sustaining an Equal Opportunity culture as a competitive advantage. (Raghavi and Gopinathan 2013).

  7. Hi Udaya ! The organization is heavily depends on the effectiveness of these two functions (Gamage, 2014). Recruiting and selecting the wrong candidates who are not capable come with a huge negative cost which businesses cannot afford. Thus, the overall aim of recruitment and selection within the organization is to obtain the number and quality of employees that are required to satisfy the strategic objectives of the organization, at minimal cost (Ofori & Aryeetey, 2011).

    1. Agreed Hakeem, Armstrong (2014) states that HR professional who is responsible for recruitment and selection will occasionally come across a vacancy that is particularly difficult to fill. In this situation any compromise that involves appointing someone who does not meet the specification must be avoided. So find correct candidate for correct position from within the organisation is more suitable than finding from external.

  8. Hi Udaya ,While there was consensus in the steps necessary to perform the recruitment process, but differences may be in the nature of the work of each organization or company and in general, the steps used in the recruitment process were as follows according to a study(G van der Waldt 2014).


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